Rodgers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella,” the beloved classic fairytale, comes to life on the Community Arts Center stage with a magical and enchanting twist. This timeless tale tells the story of a kind and gentle young woman named Ella (Cinder Ella), who, with the help of her fairy godmother (Marie), overcomes adversity and captures the heart of a prince. The Broadway version, originally adapted for the stage in 2013, features stunning costumes, memorable songs, and a modern take on the beloved characters. Audiences can expect a captivating experience filled with romance, humor, and the enduring message that dreams can come true. With its dazzling production and timeless charm, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella promises to transport theatergoers to a world of wonder and make them believe in the power of love and magic once more.
Come on out and share in the Magic with us!